TIVANTI | Sun protection specialists
Products - Misting system

Misting system

Water pressurization system by high pressure pump. Through the patented fogging nozzles, an ultra-fine mist is created formed by millions of droplets of lower average size to 10 microns. These ultra fine droplets evaporate quickly absorbing heat into the environment, becoming water vapor. The heat used to convert the water into gas is subtracted to the environment determining a reduction of the air temperature. The relative humidity is the amount of water in the air in relation to the amount of water that the air can absorb at the same temperature, which is a determining factor for the cooling potential. How much the lower the relative humidity, the greater the amount of water that can be vaporized, therefore a greater amount can be eliminated
amount of heat. The cooling by nebulization is effective in Most of the geographical areas. This is due to the fact that When the temperatures reach the maximum value during the day, the
humidity is usually at its lowest level. 
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